Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Suicide Squad, let's get to it.
Is it worth seeing? Yes, but just take into account that there's a lot of flaws. A lot. I'll just break it down with pros and cons.
-Will Smith's the best part of the movie. That's crazy to say but he nails it here. Deadshot's charismatic, cool, and just all around badass. He has hands down the best scene.
-Viola Davis is threatening and really lives up to her performance as "The Wall"
-The style of the movie is great to look at, David Ayer's a good director and there's a lot of cool shots.
-The Enchantress (Sort of). Her design is neat (half of the time) and the fact they went crazy with the very idea of putting her into the movie was a nice risk.
-Batman. He's in it a lot actually! If you liked Affleck as Batman, you get scenes here to work with.
-It's a fun ride, a lot of the characters are ones you'd like to see further explored in future movies and I think we'll definitely see that.
-El Diablo. Not too shabby of a character. Cool effects.
-The Joker. HOO BOY. He's in the movie for...seven minutes tops? It's kind of amazing actually. All those stories you heard of Jared Leto training to be the Joker, sending "gifts" of dead rats and condoms to castmates and he's barely in it! He actually doesn't interact with anyone outside of Harley when all is said and done. He can't come close to Ledger's version but maybe we just need more of him.
-Most of the team. Man, they just blazed through any kind of character development for a lot of the team. Killer Croc has maybe four lines? Katana is a neat idea but hardly touched. Slipknot is...ridiculous. Captain Boomerang's good for a laugh.
-I feel like the movie forgets that the Suicide Squad are villains. They become chummy and way too willing to help out later in the movie, and even start seeing each other as family but it never feels earned.
-The Enchantress (sort of). They take away a really cool design for her and replace it with....whatever in God's name she was wearing later on (She had a big wheel behind her head with eyes on it?)
-The Music. I don't think I've ever seen a movie like this where the music is overbearing. They cram in so many popular songs at a record pace that it just takes away any chance to breath/get to know characters. It drowns the movie in them.
-DC just really needs scriptwriters and editors that can bring more to the table. You can see the makings of a great movie in here, but at the end of the day, it's super middle of the road.
So yeah, there you go. C+ movie. I think some reviews circle for blood following Batman V Superman, but this is not worthy of that scorn as someone who hates BvS.